Emergencies are an unforeseen situation and medical emergencies are increasing on a day to day basis with accidents occurring due to negligence and otherwise. Also, with people now working at odd hours, there is a need for a doctor to be available 24/7. Every individual believes there is a doctor who will take care of them providing the emergency treatment.
Medico- Legal Formalities Creates Restrictions
All the emergency situations coming after the regular working hours are treated at government hospitals and the chain of 24 hour doctors’ availability is minimal. Private hospitals hesitate to admit the emergency cases due to medico- legal formalities. They follow the traditional practice of accident cases being handled by the centrally managed hospitals.
Doctors’ commit themselves to their patients
Though the number of 24 hour servicing clinics is minimal, but doctors are available on call. There are doctors who are willing to meet the requirement at any time valuing the life of fellow beings. The emergency helpline number is “108”.
Need for 24 Hour Doctor Service
Emergency situations might be minor or major and catering to it at the right time is the most important thing.
24-hour clinic with doctors become essential as all treatments don’t require to be taken up in a big hospital, it might be minor and timely treatment is the only concern.
The change in the lifestyle has made people work round the clock with the need for the casualty level requirement high since people are out working during the late hours.
The stress level has increased, causing many medical complications.
Medical emergencies vary across all the age groups from infant to the older age people.
The need of the hour is the most important factor. And many doctors are willing to work the extra hour.
To know more about service timings, click 24 hour doctors
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